Each 1ml of oily based solution contains 300mg of active substance Testosterone cypionate.
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Properties and actions Testosterone cypionate, or TC, is one of the most popular and most used testosterones. TC is an oil-dissolved injectable form of testosterone with strong androgenic and anabolic effects. It aromatizes quite easily which means that the conversion rate to estrogen is relatively high. TC can be combined with many steroids and thus making it an excellent mass steroid.
Side Effects The side effects of TC are mostly the distinct androgenic effect and the increased water retention. This is usually the reason for the frequent occurrence of high blood pressure. Many athletes experience a strong acne vulgaris with TC which manifests itself on the back, chest, shoulders, and arms more than on the face. Although Testosterone enanthate is broken down through the liver, this compound is only slightly toxic when taken in a reasonable dose; therefore, changes of the liver values do not occur as often as with some oral steroids. Further potential side effects can be deep voice and accelerated hair loss, testicular atrophy, reduced spermatogenesis, and especially an increased aggressiveness.
Women should normally avoid its intake since it could result in unpleasant androgen-linked side effects. The use of TC in women may cause symptoms of virilization such as acne vulgaris Increased hair growth in face and on legs, androgenetic alopecia, voice changes, and occasional clitorial hypertrophy and an unnaturally perceived increase in libido. Changes in voice and alopecia must be classified as irreversible. Effective Dose With TC the dosage range is 250-1000 mg/week; although several athletes inject megadoses.
Stacking Info Principally, TC can be combined with any steroid in order to gain mass. For adding mass TC combines very well with Anadrol , Dianabol and Deca-Durabolin.